Gabriel Schlickmann

Based in
Florianópolis, Brazil
Open to new jobs and projects


My name is Gabriel Schlickmann and for the past 6 years I have been working as a professional photographer. My main line of work is related to Human Rights, Environment issues and indigenous populations in Brazil and neighbouring countries in Latin America.

As a photographer I participated in documentary projects on various indigenous cultures in the Amazonian territory and Xingu between 2019 to 2021. I covered the consequences of fires in the Pantanal biome in Brazil in 2020 and 2021, the advances of agribusiness in centenary communities in the State of Maranhão, the consequences of floods in southern Bahia in early 2022; I have published reportages on the hardship, poverty and violence experienced by indigenous communities in Brazil and Bolivia. I have also recently been on an expedition to document the consequences of the forest fires of Brazil in the Peruvian Andes, among others.

I have published reportages in The Intercept, Yahoo, El País, O Eco website, to cite but a few. Some of my photos were published in great distribution newspapers in Latin America such as Folha de São Paulo, Estadão, Globo and Veja. Besides the news media, I have also published material in three photography books.