Peti Costa

Based in
Berlin, Germany
Performing Arts
Performer, Choreographer and Teacher
Open to new jobs and projects


PETI COSTA is a brazilian dancer and articulator of artistic projects, Inspire by Fighting Monkey teacher and independent researcher based in Berlin, working in the fields of contemporary dance, theatre and performance.

He holds a degree in Body Arts Communication / Performing Arts (PUC/SP, 2006). He completed the specialisation course Creating Dance in Art and Education (TanzTangente/ Universität der Künste Berlin, 2020) and the specialisation Somatic in Dance, Choreography and Performance (Somatische Akademie Berlin, 2018).

Throughout his professional career, he has performed and participated in choreographic projects with a focus on public and alternative spaces. These works have been characterised by exploring space as a poetic field and its aesthetic and political implications. This practice mainly seeks - from the presence of the body - to produce ways of relating to the city.

He was resident artist at the international platform VeiculoSur between 2020 and 2022. In 2021 and 2023 he received the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland e.V. Dis-Tanz-Solo scholarship.

Since 2019 he has been a dance teacher at the Jugendkunstschule Mitte Berlin. He is a guest professor at the Bachelor of Dance, Context and Choreography (HZT/UDK Universität Der Künste, Berlin, 2021, 2022). He works as a teacher and artist at TanzTangente, where he conducts dance projects for the community in Berlin.